Whether to Embrace or Ditch an OS On Your Next Microprocessor Project

2 min readNov 29, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

Let’s face it, deciding whether to use an operating system (OS) on a microprocessor is a bit like choosing between a Swiss Army knife and a single-blade pocket knife. Both have their place, but you wouldn’t use a Swiss Army knife to peel an apple if a simple knife does the trick.

First, consider the mighty OS, a Swiss Army knife in its own right. It’s like having a mini personal assistant that manages tasks, memory, and security. Operating systems shine in complex applications. Picture a smart home system juggling tasks like streaming music, controlling temperature, and brewing coffee. Here, an OS keeps things running smoothly.

But, there’s a catch. Operating systems, like overzealous personal assistants, can be resource hogs. They demand memory, and processing power, and can slow things down. Imagine trying to use a full-fledged OS on a microprocessor tasked with turning a light on and off based on motion. It’s like hiring a symphony orchestra to play ‘Happy Birthday’ — overkill and a bit awkward… and also pretty fucking cool.

This brings us to the other side of the coin — applications that thrive without an OS, like our single-blade knife. These are usually single-function, dedicated tasks where efficiency is key. Think of a simple temperature sensor in your DIY weather station. It’s a one-trick pony that doesn’t need the complexities of an OS to function effectively. It would benefit minimally from the memory management or security provided by the overlying OS.

The decision also hinges on the development timeline and budget. Integrating an OS can be like teaching a cat to high-five — possible, but it takes time and patience. For small, time-sensitive projects, going OS-free can save a significant amount of development headaches. The same could be said about dilemmas such as using an interpreted or compiled language. in your project. It just comes down to your specific timeline. Where do you want your headache to lie?

Let’s not forget power consumption. In battery-operated or energy-sensitive applications, like a Bluetooth-powered tracking device you may be building, an OS might drain your power faster than four double A batteries in a Gameboy color.

The decision to use an OS in your microprocessor project is a delicate dance between complexity and efficiency. It’s like choosing between a multi-tool and a simple blade. For the complex, multifunctional tasks, grab that Swiss Army knife of an OS. But for the simpler, focused jobs, sometimes all you need is the trusty single-blade knife. Remember, it’s all about using the right tool for the job, and sometimes, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. As my alcoholic drill sergeant once spit talked at me, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.

