Bash commands for beginners

The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2021

Bash is the defacto shell for Linux and Unix-like os. Getting familiar with the command line is super important as you will regularly find yourself traversing files from the command line. While I am no expert, I have been dedicating myself to learning the command line better so I can be more efficient in my job as a dev and avoid needless keystrokes and clicks to access a file.

Here are 10 commands that I find myself using often that can help you start your bash journey, along with some cool options to run with them.

#1 — ls

ls lists all of the files or directories within the current directory.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTlsOUTPUTbirds populations.txt

ls -l

shows file or directory, size, modified date and time, file or folder name, and owner of the file and its permission.

drwxr-xr-x@ 5 manthony staff 160 Feb 1 16:51 birds
-rw-r — r — @ 1 manthony staff 0 Feb 1 16:50 populations.txt

ls -a

List all files including hidden files starting with ‘.‘.

. .. birds populations.txt

#2 — pwd

pwd stands for print working directory. It will do just that- print the file path of the current directory that you are in inside of the terminal.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#3 — cd

cd stands for change directory. Use it to advance to a new directory either higher or lower in the file tree.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTcd birds
OUTPUTcardinal.txt nonflying pidgeon.txt/animals
├── populations.txt
├── birds <-- current dir
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#4 — touch

touch will create a new file in the target directory.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTtouch endangered_species.txt
OUTPUTbirds endangered_species.txt populations.txt/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── endangered_species.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#5 — mkdir

Similar to touch, mkdir will create a directory.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTmkdir reptiles
OUTPUTbirds populations.txt reptiles/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── reptiles
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#6 — rm

rm will delete the target file. Use rm -r to delete a directory and all files within it.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── endangered_species.txt
├── reptiles
│ ├── lizard.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTrm endangered_species.txt
rm -r reptiles
OUTPUTbirds populations.txt/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#7 — cat

cat will print the content of the specified file.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTcat populations.txtOUTPUTSome great info about populations
...and even more info!

cat -n

will operate the same as cat and include line numbers making it more readable.

1 Some great info about populations
2 ...and even more info!

#8 — mv

Use mv to move files or directories.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTmv hawk.txt birds
OUTPUTbirds populations.txt/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── hawk.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#8 — cp

Use cpto copy files or directories.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTcp populations.txt birds
OUTPUTbirds populations.txt/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── populations.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt

#9 — < and >

Most of the commands above serve as standard output commands- that is they print their output to the terminal. By using > or < you are executing the command as a redirected output, meaning that it can output to other files or take input from other files. In this case, these commands will overwrite the file with the output.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── populations_additional.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
INPUTcat populations.txt > populations_additional.txt
cat populations.txt
cat populations_additional.txt
Some great info about populations
...and even more info!
Some great info about populations
...and even more info!

#10 — << and >>

Very similar looking to the < and > commands, << and >> will not overwrite but rather append output to a file.

FILE STRUCTURE/animals <-- current dir
├── populations.txt
├── populations_additional.txt
├── birds
│ ├── cardinal.txt
│ ├── pidgeon.txt
│ ├── nonflying
│ │ ├── chicken.txt
│ │ ├── turkey.txt
Some great info about populations
...and even more info!
What a great feature
cat populations_additional.txt >> populations.txt
cat populations.txt
cat populations_additional.txt
Some great info about populations
...and even more info!
What a great feature
What a great feature

I hope that this was a helpful and gentle introduction to some really useful commands.

A dog-loving full stack developer and Marine veteran from New Haven, CT that thoroughly enjoys reading and sharing to solidify his own learning.

